Here is a letter we received from a wonderful woman who helps poor people in the Andes.
Recently I came across the beautiful letter written by Father Placid Kindata “The Irrigation Systems are installed at Kasita and Luhombero.” Given climate change, water scarcity and its pollution, it’s wonderful that an irrigation system took priority in your village. Father Placid might want to investigate that work “Engineers without Borders” do in different parts of the world.
This organization was brought to my attention by one of my former students at Vancouver Island University, Lori McFadyen, who built a school in India and has been running it for several years. The school and the village of Sainji are very happy about the work of “Engineers without Borders.” I also will inquire if they can help us in Peru with our water-related projects there. I will be in Peru again in April.
Isn’t it interesting that places without electricity, running water and other amenities always call us back?
Inge Bolin
Vancouver Island
Link to information about Inge Bolin’s work in the Peruvian Andes